Friday 16 June 2017

The top 5 reasons why Payment Gateways are need of the hour for your Business

No checks, no cash and thus, no hassle- this is what businesses and people are adapting to these days. Cashless transactions can move money between accounts within the blink of an eye. Banks have also started to provide their services online. Many businesses have moved towards secure online transactions and merchant accounts through high risk payment processors, which ensures that sensitive details such as credit and debit card numbers are passed safely from customer to merchant via encryption. Are you still accepting traditional payment methods like cash and cheques? Then it is about time that you go cashless and use payment gateways. Here’s why.

Secure and reliable transactions

The transactions work by using SSL( Secure socket layer) encryption. The information passes from the customer’s web browser to the gateway and then to merchants bank. All the delicate information is kept safe to prevent payment frauds. Manual processing can be subjected to many risks.

Multicurrency Payments

The payment gateways accept payments in all currencies possible, so shoppers from around the globe can purchase from the online store. Therefore, customer base increases.

Fast process

This is a very fast process as compared to the traditional processing. Select the payment method, add the details and the transaction is done within seconds.

Shopping Cart

Many payment gateways come with an added advantage of the shopping cart, which allows the customers to select the items to purchase and add them into the shopping cart and then checkout. The customers can also add or delete the items from the cart. The cart also calculates the total bill amount without any human intervention.

24/7 Payment

With payment gateways, the online store is open around the clock. The customers have the comfort to shop at any hour they wish to.

Instant Balance Update

As soon as any transaction is successful or fails, the customers get a message or Email with the amount debited, merchant name and other details. Therefore, no misuse can occur.

Many businesses trust CNP Gate when it comes to reliable and smooth payment service provider. The payments made through CNP Gate high risk payment processors are encrypted through the 3D secure pin and works with all currencies. They also offer 24/7 customer support and the best prices. 

Visit the website now. 

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