Wednesday 25 October 2017

High Risk Payment Gateway: The right choice makes the difference

No doubt the high risk payment gateway is similar to other payment gateways but it has additional features that protect the high risk businesses from the financial liabilities, like cancellations, chargebacks, non-authorization of the payments and more. The high risk payment gateways specialize in limiting, if not eliminating, the risk of non-payment. Due to the security features they offer, such payment gateways are highly useful for the businesses encompassing a large count of international deals. 

Features that a high risk payment gateway should have

It is clear from the name that these gateways are specially created for the high risk businesses. Every gateway differs in the features it provides to the merchants. Even there are the payment gateways which are specially designed to meet the payment requirements of a particular type of business. However, here are the features that you should look for while finalizing a high risk payment gateway for your business. 
  • Multi-currency system
  • Round the clock technical support
  • Special tools for enhanced security
  • Complete control over the transactions
  • Latest fraud identification
  • Recurring Bills and ACH
  • Integrated chargeback alerts 
  • Integration with majority of shopping carts
  • Secure terminals
  • Quick payments
In addition to all these features and functionalities, the payment gateway should be easy to use that will create a secure checkout for the users. Along with reducing the risks and costs, it must help the businesses to expand their reach. 

Most of the high risk payment gateways provide real-time processing to let you manage the cash influx to your business account. The custom features of these secure payment gateways also let the business owners alter their payment schedules and manage assets with much ease. 

If you are looking for a trusted and reliable high risk payment gateway, you can rely on CNP Gate. It is one of the most efficient payment gateways that help you fortify every transaction, thereby ensuring that your reputation is upheld. To know more about the CNP Gate, its working, and benefits, you can visit

In case you missed my previous post, read it here - Top 7 things to expect from a payment processor

Sunday 15 October 2017

Top 7 things to expect from a payment processor

When deciding on a payment processor for your business, there are many things one needs to be sure of.  This processor will keep hold of all your business transactions and the sensitive payment details of the customers. Therefore, it needs to be 200% safe and secure. Choosing the right one can be tough but knowing what to look for in it can make the task easier. The payment processor should have the perfect blend of value, experience, and service. So what should you look for? How do you know a particular payment processor can help your business grow? Read on to know what you should expect from the best online payment processor

Type of Payment: The processor should be able to handle a variety of payment types. Retail purchases, donations, membership, registrations, and other payment types. Make sure you are able to process all the payment types the organization requires. 
  • Payment Features: The best online payment processors have the ability to accept recurring payments, accept payments through credit and debit cards, generate a payment receipt, and also deposit funds in different accounts. 
  • Good Customer Interface: If the payment processor is not easy to understand then it is unlikely of it becoming popular. It should have a simple and easy to use interface. The customers should be able to select the method of payment, receive confirmation on payment success through Email or text message. The payment processor should also be mobile friendly and the payment procedure should be quick and easy. 
  • Software integration: The payment processor should blend effortlessly with the software system of your organization. Other factors to consider are automatic email confirmation, encrypting credit/debit card information, and account creation. 
  • Speed of money transfer: The payment processor should not create any delay when processing the payments online. All the transactions should take a maximum of two to three business days from one account to another. Several days or weeks are a total turn off.
  • Support Services: Look for a payment processor that provides round the clock customer support. If the transaction fails or the payment is declined then the user should have someone to contact. The customer support should be able to resolve the issue. 
  • Fees: You will have to pay a certain amount of fees to the payment processing company. Some of the fees include monthly statement fees, monthly gateway fees, application and setup fees, and minimum monthly fees. Look for a company offering the processor at a competitive price. 

CnpGate provides the best online payment processor. These are convenient, easy to use and provide the merchant with full control. The payment processors are secured and encrypted. 
Visit the website for more details.

Friday 11 August 2017


Do you plan to sell your products online? But you have not designed your online store yet?  E-commerce web design has some unique challenges, some of them being finding the right theme or hiring a web designer who understands your needs and goals. Shopping is no longer a woman’s thing. A great website design and range of products can even keep a man glued to the screen. 
If you wish to make your online store / E-commerce website a big hit then incorporate the following factors into your website.

Easy Navigation

Create a website in which the visitors can easily find what they are looking for. Categorize the products in various sections. For example, if you are selling apparels online then divide into different sections such as a separate men and women section and then further divide them into simpler categories. Lost visitors will result in no sales.

Secure online Payment

Your clients and customers should feel safe when making payments online to your website. Your website should have SSL certificate so that the information of the customer is protected between the web browser and web server. CNP Gate provides reliable and quick high risk payment gateway for e-commerce websites. They offer multi currency payment acceptance and 24/7 customer support. The platform is 100% 3D secure. You can visit for more details.

Attractive Deals and Freebies

Your website should be able to grab the attention of the customer in a matter of few seconds. Display discounts, eye-catching banners and special deals on the home page. Free shipping is also the favorite of many customers.

Shopping cart and Login box

An E-commerce website is incomplete without a shopping cart or wish list. The customers can add the products they like or wish to buy to the shopping cart. The website should also give the customers an option to create an account with the help of Email ID, social media profile or phone number. This will also help the customers to review their previous orders.

Accurate Product Pictures

The buyer cannot touch the products while purchasing online. Therefore, the website should have accurate and clear pictures. In addition, descriptions of the products can help the customer make decisions about buying the products.

Get the most effective payment gateway for your E-commerce website. CnpGate provides secure, reliable, multi currency high-risk payment gateway. They monitor and control your transactions using 3D security. 

Visit the website for more details.

Friday 16 June 2017

The top 5 reasons why Payment Gateways are need of the hour for your Business

No checks, no cash and thus, no hassle- this is what businesses and people are adapting to these days. Cashless transactions can move money between accounts within the blink of an eye. Banks have also started to provide their services online. Many businesses have moved towards secure online transactions and merchant accounts through high risk payment processors, which ensures that sensitive details such as credit and debit card numbers are passed safely from customer to merchant via encryption. Are you still accepting traditional payment methods like cash and cheques? Then it is about time that you go cashless and use payment gateways. Here’s why.

Secure and reliable transactions

The transactions work by using SSL( Secure socket layer) encryption. The information passes from the customer’s web browser to the gateway and then to merchants bank. All the delicate information is kept safe to prevent payment frauds. Manual processing can be subjected to many risks.

Multicurrency Payments

The payment gateways accept payments in all currencies possible, so shoppers from around the globe can purchase from the online store. Therefore, customer base increases.

Fast process

This is a very fast process as compared to the traditional processing. Select the payment method, add the details and the transaction is done within seconds.

Shopping Cart

Many payment gateways come with an added advantage of the shopping cart, which allows the customers to select the items to purchase and add them into the shopping cart and then checkout. The customers can also add or delete the items from the cart. The cart also calculates the total bill amount without any human intervention.

24/7 Payment

With payment gateways, the online store is open around the clock. The customers have the comfort to shop at any hour they wish to.

Instant Balance Update

As soon as any transaction is successful or fails, the customers get a message or Email with the amount debited, merchant name and other details. Therefore, no misuse can occur.

Many businesses trust CNP Gate when it comes to reliable and smooth payment service provider. The payments made through CNP Gate high risk payment processors are encrypted through the 3D secure pin and works with all currencies. They also offer 24/7 customer support and the best prices. 

Visit the website now. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

How To Choose Third Party Credit Card Processors?

 How To Choose Third Party Credit Card Processors?

highly secure services and taxes and reasonable prices are some of the best features of the third processor desired credit card companies, be they shop on the Internet, which is, or both. Choosing the best Third Party Credit Card Processors requires careful consideration of these peculiarities.


Renowned best third credit card processors have certification and accreditation by organizations such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Additional certifications standards of data protection for the Payment Card Industry (PCI DSS) to ensure greater safety. Companies that claim to be an independent sales (ISO) and the partner of service providers (MSPs) are authorized credit card processors Visa and Mastercard.

Competitive Prices

With so much competition, the best third-party processor of credit cards to reduce the cost of acquiring the company's rates. Rates vary or Internet storefront to sell, but the cost of transaction standards, both generally range between $ 0.20 and $ 0.30 for each process credit card. The percentage of the sale that the company stands also varies, ranging from 1.29 percent for the best credit card processing, point of sale to 2.30 percent for the worst for sale on the Internet.

Free Entry
There is no reason to pay full price for the equipment for processing credit cards. Many of the best processors provided with free entry, without the need for a long-term contract.

Excellent Reviews

The best credit card processors earn third external positive ratings. All credit card processors make demands, but only the real customers report the truth. Conduct an Internet search for comments or complaints to see what comes out of a particular company.


Credit cards that scale to meet the needs of traders are far superior to those who do not have this capability. Adapt a plan to suit each company is part of a transformation of the company an excellent credit card.

Protection Against Fraud

Protection against fraudulent transactions is necessary for any business that accepts payment by credit card.Verification of real-time address and processing ensures that all reports regarding credit cards are legitimate. The best third credit card processor for web companies provide a VeriSign Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) guarantees and protection.

Free Quotes

The best credit card processing companies offer advice and free quote. Additionally, the best third processors of credit cards will never pay a filing fee, as many poor quality companies

Low Monthly Fees

The best credit card processing companies charge a small fee for the services requested. costs of the Declaration are standard and will cost less than $ 10 the best companies. Gateway taxes covering the licensing process are considered the norm, although the best companies to give it up, or include them in a package.


Each credit card processor list a monthly minimum. A company that does not meet the minimum will be required to pay the difference. The monthly minimum is usually $ 15 to $ 20.
Internet Print

Not all third-party credit card processors are able to meet the needs of business websites. Choose one of the best to ensure that the growing business needs are always met.